Priority Garage – Camper Iceland Garage
We started renting Motor Homes in the year 2002. Back then there where several garages in Iceland that handled our vehicles. However since the bank crisis in 2008 most of our business partners in Iceland disappeared from the map. In order to remain Nr. 1 in Iceland we became a Motor Home dealership with our own garage.
Partner Garages
We have carefully selected garages around Iceland to assist if needed. We continue to update the list so if you have a succession for anew garage or want to share the experience of one please contact us.
As described on our web page it is much cleverer to drive back to our station. However, if you are facing a minor problem like a broken fuse or broken windshield wipers you can always ask at the next gas station or find one of our partner garage to look at the vehicle. After the repair you will have to pay for the repair yourself. Make sure you bring back the invoice and if possible a letter from the garage so you can claim the case when returning the vehicle.