Stay Calm
- Stay calm, don’t leave the scene. Secure the accident with the triangle.
- Note the information about the adverse party mentioned on the green card (if non-icelandic): the full name and address of the driver (verify the driver’s identity!), insurance company, number of insurance policy and registration of the vehicle. If Icelandic do the same but there will not be a green card available.
- Note the identity and address of potential witnesses. Ask your witnesses for their business cards, so that you can easily reach them even at their workplace
- Please carefully fill in the accident statement, which should be signed by the adverse party.
- You don’t speak the language of the other driver? Don’t panic! The European Accident Statement is standardized, so that the information filled in into this document can be easily understood by your insurance company. Therefore, the box ‘observations’ of this document can be completed by the driver in his (her) own language. In the last resort, two European Accident Statements – in each driver’s language – can be completed and signed.
- Only sign the report when you are sure that you understand the situation and you agree to the description. If this is not the case, do not cross any box. If the European Accident Statement is not properly filled in, you may actually be held responsible unjustly.
- Read carefully the European Accident Statement before completing its middle column. Then check the boxes relevant to the circumstances of the accident. This is a very important section in order to clarify the responsibility of the drivers involved in the accident.
- Above all, do not forget to mention the number of boxes you ticked at the bottom of the column. Otherwise the adverse party might cross other boxes after the event to your disadvantage
- You are not allowed to compel the other driver to sign the document. In case he does not, gather the global information mentioned above. However, also in this case you can send the European Accident Statement to your insurer for information purposes. In case you were involved in an accident with several other vehicles, you should fill in a European accident statement with each of the parties involved.
- Secure the evidences and make photos of the location of the accident and of the vehicles involved.
ATTENTION! In case of a hit-and-run offense, contact the police and Camper Iceland.
GOOD TO KNOW In some European Member states the police compulsorily completes an accident report even if there is only damage to property (vehicles). In Iceland you could receive a fine if you caused the accident. Filling out the accident form with the other party might make more sense.
Fill out Accident Report
- Fill out the report where the accident happens. Do not wait because it’s a proven fact that you will forget something otherwise.
- Check the Example attached (scroll to the bottom of the page)
- If you do not have a form, get one by asking another driver. Worst case call the poilice.
- If you do bot bring the data of the offender the accident is considered your fault
- If it’s a “hit and run” check if the driver left informations somewhere. If not call the police, the driver is legally obligated to report the case to the police.
Fill in this page. (CHECK ATTACHED EXAMPLE OF HOW TO FILL THIS PAGE) If another party is involved in the accident, they must fill in the other column. If you don’t agree with the information the other party has provided, you can mention this in the “My remarks” section. You must both sign the page at the bottom. Keep this page and bring it to our rental station. Use the back page (page 2) to write your story.
2. first DECLARATION page
Fill in this page as soon as possible. Sign the page at the bottom, and send it to your insurance company. This page is optional and may not be included in the downloaded PDF document.
The form provided by our insurance looks a bit different. Not to worry, the first page looks the same all over Europe.
Accident Report in your Language
The European Accident Report is in general provided free of charge by the motor insurers, or it can be downloaded free of charge from this location. It is available in most European languages. Its purpose is to get an agreed statement of facts when people are involved in road accidents and to assist with the processing of any subsequent insurance claims.
The layout and the content are identical in all language versions. The parties must fill in the accident report in a clear, unambiguous manner. It is important to provide a sketch of the accident and to mention the names and addresses of witnesses. It is recommended to add a photograph.
The report form contains the statement of facts page in duplicate. You fill in both pages together with the other party, and give the other copy to the other party. Both pages must be signed by both parties involved in the accident. Signing the accident statement does not imply a recognition of liability. The signature constitutes an acknowledgement of the correctness of the facts recorded in the accident report.
Read the instructions here on how to fill in the report form, or watch these instructional videos. Read also carefully the instructions provided in the form itself.
What to do if you do not have the form
Ask around if anyone has one. Worst case call the police.
However if you are in the middle of nowhere use these steps to help you or download our form here
Information to Include in Your Police Report (SHORT VERSION)
Make your police report as detailed and accurate as possible. Take notes and photos at the scene of the accident to gather information and help you remember. Include as much of the following information as you can:
- Description of what happened.
- Number of passengers in the other driver’s car.
- Driver’s name and insurance information.
- Names of witnesses.
- If possible, record their account of the accident using your cell phone.
- The damages your vehicles sustained.
- Injuries to yourself or your passengers.
Remember to take photos of the scene, your vehicle, and your injuries.
Information to Include in Your Police Report (LONG VERSION)
1. Record the IP’s Personal and Contact Details
- First name
- Last name
- Contact phone number
- Email Address
- Home Address
- Reason for being at the location
- Sex
- Age or Date of Birth
- Occupation
- Employee Number (where applicable)
2. Record Your Contact Details and Information
- First name
- Last name
- Position
- Contact phone number
- Email Address
- Employee Number (where applicable)
3. Record Accident Details
- The date of the accident
- The time of the accident
- The location of the accident e.g. area, street, coordinates,
4. Record Injury Details
- The type of injury the suffered e.g. fracture, laceration, bruising, burn
- The part of the body injured
- Required hospitalisation or resuscitation
- Was the driver unconscious
- Whether the driver was taken from the scene by ambulance to hospital
5. Collect Witness Details
- First name
- Last name
- Contact phone number
- Email Address
- Address
6. Gather Supporting Evidence
If witnesses are available and can provide a written statement, record the statement along with the accident report as evidence.
Other examples of evidence…
- CCTV footage
- Video, dash cam etc.
- Photographs
7. Record How the Accident Happened
Record any details of the accident in your accident report.
Example questions to ask yourself and information to record at this stage…
- How did the injury occur?
- What have you observed?
- Was there anything unusual or different about the working conditions?
- What personal protective equipment was being worn at the time of the accident?
- What work process or activity was being carried out at time?
- What equipment was being used at the time?
- What were the events that led up to the accident?
8. Record What Caused the Accident
When recording information about how the accident happened use only the objective facts that you have gathered e.g. leave assumptions or accusations out of the record.
Example questions to ask yourself and information to record at this stage…
- Was it due to human error?
- Did the driver have a lapse in concentration?
- Was the accident due to faulty equipment?
- Was the driver fatigued or stressed?
- Was the driver following the law?
9. Record What Was Done When Dealing with the Accident
Example questions to ask yourself and information to record at this stage…
- Was first aid was administered?
- What first aid was administered?
- Was an ambulance called?
- How was the area made safe?
- What had been done directly after the accident happened?
Inform Camper Iceland
Remember that you have to inform the rental station after an accident. If your vehicle is damaged you need to make an appointment, so we can solve the damage case. The insurance company and third party garages are only open during workdays, hence we need to solve the case on a workday.
The next customer expects a fixed vehicle, and we can only maintain a good service if you cooperate.